Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Surgeon Guided to Compose Music
While the author suggests that this can all be explained by anomalous occurrences in the brain, I have a much different view...
Message: Sometimes direction comes in the form of "a bolt from the blue." Our passion and our talents are not about us, but are to be used for their highest purpose - in service to others. We will be given everything that is needed to fulfill that purpose. Music reaches, connects, heals and inspires people in a most powerful way.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Passion Directed to Heal. Stephanie's 9/11 Story
Stephanie Orlina from Clairemont, CA had always had a strong intuition about her authentic passion, but needed confirmation. Indeed our session together not only confirmed photography as her lifelong dream, but her photos were intended to uplift, heal and touch people's souls. However, what served as an even greater confirmation was understanding why she was needed as a witness to one of America's greatest tragedies. Five years had passed since 9/11 and she felt it was time to heal.
Ever since middle school, Stephanie had been hooked on the idea of making photography all or a part of her career, but her fire had been doused by doubts from relatives. "Do you have any idea how expensive all that equipment is?"
Fortunately, she kept taking photos all through high school and into adulthood. Of course, she had her camera with her on her honeymoon in
Out on the street, they saw the tragic events unfolding. The reality of the event hit them hard as they saw a blood stained sheet lying over a body on the ground with a piece of the landing gear nearby. As Stephanie looked up, she saw people jumping from the inferno. It was only then that they heard that this was no accident, but a terrorist attack. As others ran away from the towers in terror, Stephanie felt some power deep within her, compelling her to capture dozens of dramatic photos, including the firetrucks speeding to the scene and the fall of the first tower even while she was overcome with grief and horror. After returning home, she remained in too much pain to be reminded of the event to do much with these photos other than share them to a few close friends. Stephanie could not recall this event without reliving the deep emotions she felt at the time.
Often, after a mere confirmation of one's passion and a renewed desire to work towards it, the synchronicities begin to flow. This was the case with Stephanie as well. A few weeks after our session, Stephanie attended a small party. There happened to be someone at the party who turned out to be a reporter with the
Through this synchronicity, Stephanie also got acquainted with the photographer who further sparked her passion for photography.
She and her husband set to work trying to find clues in the photos. A photo of a firetruck had a number on it. Through that, they were able to trace down the fire station. She wrote to that station and included a copy of the photo. A fireman from the station then called to thank her and another wrote her a letter. Sadly, she learned that all but one of the firemen in that truck had perished in the attempt to save the lives of the people in the towers. She had what was probably the last photo ever taken of those firemen - friends and colleagues of the men who contacted her. The healing that occurred took place on both ends of the country.
Today, Stephanie is looking forward to putting those remarkable photos together in a book to be shared with others, as a means to heal. A link will be posted here when that book becomes available.
(If you'd like to e-mail Stephanie about her 9/11 photos, you can reach her at: Darlas_Photos@yahoo.com)
Message: Our passion is sometimes directed for higher purposes far beyond our wildest imaginations or our own greatest plans, giving us strength when it is needed. Our passion is a gift to be shared with others, but sometimes through the giving, the giver is also healed.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Janet's Needed Expertise
I happened to have met someone years previously who was involved in conserving lands in Baja California. Fortunately, I still had a valid e-mail for her. I introduced the two having no idea where it would lead. A few weeks later, Janet called me. Turns out my Baja contact knew a conservation biologist who was working on a big problem. A virus was killing native rodents. The reduction in the rodent population was causing loss of coastal habitat! They needed help from a virologist and they had plans to bring scientists together for a workshop on the topic! Janet flew to Baja immediately and the last time we spoke, she was still working to help them.
Message: Passions evolve as we pick up needed skills before moving on. We don't have to know where our passion will lead us - sometimes direction will come to us. All that is required is trust.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Cherie's Ignored Reassurance
A few weeks after our session, she called me and I got the equally familiar "Yolaine, -you-won't-believe-what-happened" call. Cherie had still questioned that the result of our work together was real. She went to the library to look for books on how to find your passion. At the library a book jumped out at her called "Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life" by Gregg Levoy. The very first sentence mentioned a revelation occurring on a country road in Fresno, (northern half of) California. It emphasized synchronicities. It was a call to connect the dots and follow your passion. Flipping pages she saw references to the healing power of plants. She closed the book and opened it to a random page - page 73. On that page was an example of how passion had led someone to Findhorn. The whole book was written in the lyrical style she loved.
I said, "if that message doesn't convince you of your authentic passion, I don't know what will." A few years later, unfortunately, Cherie was still following money and security, rather than her passion. Doubt is a powerful obstacle.
Message: Reassurance will be provided, but it is up to you to follow it.
Elliott's Nudge
Message: Sometimes a nudge is necessary to get you back on track.